Thursday, October 3, 2013

Going back from GREEN to BLUE

So we had another tour for our class (LIS 260 sy 2013). Earlier we were on a green territory but then the green grounds of our journey on becoming a new age librarians turned blue and I must say, I'm not even mad. I'm just coming back from my roots. In my first year of experience in the field I was immediately sent into the blue land named Rizal Library of the Ateneo de Manila Univeristy. On my first day (of work, Rizal Library is my first employer) I was bombarded with these new technologies wherein I must adapt for it has been said: Adapt or dissolve. Though hard, it was a good adaptation. I just recently graduated from training on how to catalog materials in a 3x5 form and here comes an encrypted code in forms of MARC tags which I have just met from books and discussion on the classroom. You might think (which I also thought I would) that I have lost my mind in the process of transition luckily I am now sitting here in my new office happily reminiscing my previous experience. So as a librarian, what are the notable experiences?

 1st, Eye opening experiences to the necessary technical infrastructure a library should have. I was amazed on how fast the library technicians changes their computer hardwares for the library users as well as the library employees. They do these in order to match the demand of the software used of this time. They have a good network and telecommunication infrastructure, having a server that provides tech support of the library as well as people who know how to trouble shoot and manipulate such equipment. 2nd, The learning of library solution, it's inside manipulation and it's searching that will helped me related to the searching style of the students. Recently I checked their OPAC and was amazed on the new interface it provides to the users, a one stop search. It's like google but a leveled up in the quality of results it provides in coordination with the e-resources provided by EBSCO and other library databases and merging of the search for physical library collection. 3rd, How they provide remote access to their students. I also like how they reach out the students inquiries through chat and email as well as active usage of social networking sites. Why active? I have seen lots of libraries before who prides themselves with the production of Facebook pages, Independent website but with poor implementation. I have seen the Rizal Library communicates with it's students through games, contest and other activities such as usage of simple library memes that students nowadays are very into to. I guess you could say that these are also the ISRs that I've experienced and admire from this library.

Amazing as it is as an organism it will always have room for improvement. If I were a part of decision making body who will plan on the improvement of the library I will start with the pale building and straining lights. I'd like to adapt the lighting of the DLSU's Learning Commons. I am not also amused on the seperation of e-reference computers and bookshelves. As a new generation library I believe that integration is important. Additional Interactive Collaboration Room would be also a good thing to consider with provision of new gadgets that will suffice to the needs of it's elite students. Maybe If I had stayed with them a little longer I could have suggested more on the processing and internal ways of dealing with management but for now this is all I can critic. 

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