Thursday, October 3, 2013

Too Green to be True

"Going Green" is one of the most popular advocacy being integrated in any institution, company or campaign after the booming issue of the Global Warming. How apt for our group (LIS 260 class of UPSLIS 2013)  to visit two libraries that has this theme color, green. We have visited the FEU Library and the Learning commons of the DLSU Library and I tell you, for a librarian it is a feast for the eyes. Who wouldn't be awed at the newly painted buildings?  Such a transition from thinking that a library only used antique stuff. (Saying hello to the libraries which need a new building plan for the generation of today.) Anyways we visited the library as a form of bench marking as a new generation library science students and not as an interior design students. So please here me out as I give my critic to our educational tour (or read my thoughts - since you're reading my blog and not listening to me speak.)

Technical Infrastructure
Hardware: The supply of 200 computers is amazing though I personally think it is poorly distributed within the building.
Software: Well Supported and good office apps. Though I haven’t seen anything exceptional that is solely for library usage.
Peopleware: I think they are good librarians in their respective specialization but the lack communication with their users as most of them disregard our presence during the tour. Telecommunications &Networking: I have doubts on this one because I wasn’t able to see their server as they claimed they have. Poor connections as OPACs aren’t accessible
Hardware: The supply of 200 computers is amazing though I personally think it is poorly distributed within the building.
Software: Well Supported and good office apps. Though I haven’t seen anything exceptional that is solely for library usage.
Peopleware: I think they are good librarians in their respective specialization but the lack communication with their users as most of them disregard our presence during the tour. Telecommunications &Networking: I have doubts on this one because I wasn’t able to see their server as they claimed they have. Poor connections as OPACs aren’t accessible
Destiny (ok)
Millennium (Wow! A Very Lucky Library to be able to purchase this one.)
Library Database
Good but common:
Gale, Lex Libris, Lippincott and EBSCO (though I think they’re still advance compared to other libraries)
I am pleased to know that they have one stop search for the students (EBSCO Discovery).
They opt for Open source and I think it is very commendable for a library that they can support e-resources to their clients.
Abundant resources, well placed and maintained. I was particularly amazed by the ‘Layar’ Application that help students search information easier and faster.
Web Harvesting
They have but it is still on traditional library services of producing linkages through effort and ingenuity of the librarian and staffs.
Amazing Web harvesting through the use of augmented reality services.
Cloud Computing
They are very blessed to be well supported on having servers. Though I think the downside on this one is the centralized cloud computing of the university. It would be good if the library has a separate one so as not to be associated with problems of other information programs.
Remote Access
Good because they provide and promote remote access though I haven’t asked up to what extent of digital format. Do they also allow searching through phone or desktop alone.
Very Good. I think the DLSU is exceptional on this one as they provide various forms of remote access. They are very near to the claimed: digital library  as they do not only provide good facilities but technological services as well that goes through phone, chat, computers reservation, e-mail, etc.

  • How they are supported by their administration.
  • New Building.
  • Lots of Computers
  • Provides different services (which includes use or e-res and have photocopying kiosk inside).
  • Use of Gimlet and other open sources.
  • Various discussion Rooms.
  • Free merienda after the tour :D haha

  • Building - has a good ambiance for communication, reading and studying (has a coffee shop vibe that’s cool for studying).
  • Distribution of computers and book shelves combined.
  • Well supported by the administration,
  • EBSCO discovery
  • Augmented Reality, LAYAR app, Millennium and various reference services.
  • I like their book shelves very modern.

  • How the computers are distributed. What if the student needs access both to computer and books?
  • Linear formation of building. Somehow narrow in my perception.
  • Unusable OPAC.
  • To large table for the OPAC.
  • Too much luminosity which is straining to the eyes especially if using computers

  • Staff room – human needs space too not just books.
  • Too wide exhibit area that is good for a reference area.
  • Too many books for a digital library perhaps? But I guess it all boils down the libraries mission and vision.

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