Friday, July 12, 2013

Extinction of Tyrannosaurus Librarian

Using Social Networks to Create Powerful Learning Communities

by Marianne Lenox and Maurice Coleman
September 2010
Computers in Libraries

  • Evolve or go extinct. Scary? Maybe for some but it's the way the cookie crumbles. It's just the way it is. Just like what the original vampire told her daughter-like vampire (the protagonist) in the movie underworld, 'evolve or go extinct.' So is our roles in information. As the mode of information changes so must we - the so called information specialist. How can we share things we do not have? That's why it is very important to be open-minded with this change so we can share the best knowledge of the past.
  • We make ways. Heard this before? This is the motto of BDO - Well, I'm not promoting this bank but I think their motto is applicable in our roles as librarians especially in times of web 2.0 Should we neglect our clients if they are having trouble understanding 'how' to search the information that they need? Of course not. We as the librarians must also make ways. 
  • Connect the dots. Can you remember your activity book where you connect the dots to create an image of animal? Sounds pre school, isn't it? But it is the concept of networking. The dots are the various people wanting to get connected, wanting to get the same information and it had been made easy by the evolution of technology especially the creation of social networking.

Have you seen a real-life, moving T-Rex. Well I hope not because you might have run for your life. Kidding aside, really have you seen it? Of course not because they've gone extinct. This is quite scary if the future generation will think of librarians as the same. They will not know us for we have gone extinct. That's why in my personal views, evolution is necessary. Let the T-Rex Librarians go extinct and let us create a new set of librarians. Librarians that will create impact in society. Librarians who initiates change through the use of technology. Just like Maurice who created T is for Training podcasting group we can make ways - helping each other, training librarians. Look also at the picture above. It is good caricature of today's generation. This is the implication of using social networking without really knowing the information content that they are sharing. They are diminishing the quality hence creating a community with thinking that is not far from the people who have started the information cycle. This is the challenge to us now. Be involve in their modes of information to influence their modes of thinking whether you are a librarian in educational institution, in a business setting or in government communities.


Lenox, M. (2010). Using social networkg to create powerful learning communities. Computer in Libraries. 30(7). 12-17. Retreived from:

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