Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Netizens Needs Netiquette

"Apply real world rules whenever appropriate (if it is not acceptable behavior offline 
it is probably not acceptable online)"

The evolution of technology had changed our lives not only through technicality but socially. Socially, not limited to social networking but on how we communicate as a person to another person. As the networks closes the gap between cross-cultures so is the understanding that differences exists. Differences in beliefs and opinions and ability to comprehend things.This paper examines several issues related to netiquette and online communication and provide some solutions on how to addresses the problem.


Still human. Can you check your pulse? Do you feel it beating? If yes, good. Sometimes we tend to forget that the person whom we are communicating through the internet is also human. A human who is rational and an emotional being. If you are communicating online or even simply posting words it would be better to imagine first the situation in real life - if you can do it in person before pressing that send/enter button. Some netizens are very vulgar in posting and speaking up their mind online because there is no physical presence involved only online but remember, what you do online will affect you (accept it or not) in real life. So better think twice.

Moral obligation. Remember that you are still human who's involve in a community whether you like it or not. And as a human, we are expected to act like one. What then does it take to be a human? Well you must be humane. But (you might ask) what does it take for us to be humane human in an online society? I can give you list of things but you may only need one for now. As a human, we have a moral obligation to another. Values then are still involved, though it may vary from one culture to another, the reality is it is still involve.

Intact education. Recently news broke out that teacher has now an added responsibility beyond academic scope and it is now what we call - in loco parentis. It is a Latin word which means, "in place of a parent and as a parent we are ought to teach values to our children especially certain etiquette. How do we that in lieu of modern technological advances? Through "netiquette." We may post and post policies through net but will the message get through? No, that is why educating the generation is still vital. 


In my grade school years the common conception of 'net' is a meshed fabric that is used to catch fish and the likes. Then in high school I started going into 'net'shops. A shop that doesn't sell fabric catching fish but a shop that offers rental to use computers with access to internet and so it happens the word net now connotes internet, such a change for a span of years. But it doesn't stop right there. We have now what we call 'net'izens which refers to the citizens of the internet community and so the flow of communication follows which leads to the creation of some moral obligation as a human resulting to the needs of etiquette in the social networking that is now what we call 'netiquette'. How did the transition affected me? Well, it affected my everyday life. The way I do simple things in life such as communicating with a friend and some shopping too. These simple things though (even done via online) are still social interactions that is very similar to personal social interactions. That is why I am surprised that people even some of my own generation seems to have forgotten it. They lash out and ramp out in their social networking profile, very unethical. Gladly there is now what we call netiquette and I've seen articles about this publish in popular magazines which for me is good. People has to know. They must be reminded especially for those who are 'supposed' to be educated. A reminder, that I must also remind myself especially when I am working because my work which involves lots of communication and dissemination of information.  


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