Saturday, July 6, 2013

New Niche in Library

Ebrary finds the public niche
by Michael Kelley
June 15, 2012

"I don't want to buy a lot of reference stuff that doesn't get used," Brewer says. "The great number of books on ebrary really sold us." -Becky Brewer, the head of information services for the Jackson County Public Library

Inevitable shift, the main reason behind the creation of the Ebrary by ProQuest. This article contains a short but good narration on the experience as well as the logical facts that proceeds the shift from print to electronic format. It is also good to take note the shift coming from a different perspective, aside from librarians  which is the provider. If you are a new librarian or unfamiliar on the shift from print to e-resources this is a good article to start with. 


  • The shift is inevitable. That in the age of information it is a form of adaptation or else will lead to extinction. But it doesn't mean that it's inevitable, it's bad. It is a good 'inevitable' circumstance that pushes us to something better. 
  • No good thing comes without a cost. Did I said cost? Yes and not only that but also hard work. Just like someone trying to lose weight and putting effort to be in shape so does the library (and especially the librarians) putting effort and hard work to keep our collection fit for the minds of our users. 
  • Domino effect in community. Somehow we are driven to look at things solely in our point of view wherein fact the things that we are experiencing is the same with those around us just in a different form. We librarians experience it, the providers and the vendors experience it and so does the people who uses our services.

The bar is now leveled up. Have you noticed how often a single cellphone changes it's model? If my would-be users have adapted that fast changing mode of information, as a librarian who is expected to give them the best information resources, I personally feel the pressure. Fortunately, I like change. Just like what Gerry Lane from World War Z said, "Motion is key to survival."


Kelley, M. (2012). Ebrary finds public niche. Library Journal. 137(11), 26-28. Retreived from:

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